by Josephine Hughes | Aug 14, 2018
If you’re a parent with a student expecting A Level results you don’t need me to tell you the results are due this week. Naturally the focus is very much on students but for parents this can be a terrifying time. Sometimes it feels like the results reflect on us,...
by Josephine Hughes | Jul 17, 2018
“School’s Out for Summer” is a great rallying cry on social media in July. I notice my Facebook feed has a definite trend at this time of year. For the first week of the school holidays there are general celebrations that school is out and there’s no need to get up...
by Josephine Hughes | Jan 17, 2018
I have the British weather to thank for my first memory of disappointment. When I was at primary school a trip to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Regents Park was organized. The children looked forward to it for weeks. However, the trip was not to be. In that...