Party Outfits and Body Image

Party Outfits and Body Image

"We can't hate ourselves into a version of ourselves we can love" - Lori Deschene As we approach the festive season, the shops are full of party dresses.  However, Christmas parties - with work colleagues, friends, or families - can be a source of worry for Good...
Tips to Stop Comparing Your Children with Others

Tips to Stop Comparing Your Children with Others

The summer holidays in the UK is a time when the academic chickens come home to roost in terms of exam results.  Graduations, A-Level and GCSE Results Day are all happening. If children have not performed well, or as well as expected, parents may experience a range of...
Five Ways to Relax and Enjoy the Summer

Five Ways to Relax and Enjoy the Summer

“School’s Out for Summer” is a great rallying cry on social media in July. I notice my Facebook feed has a definite trend at this time of year. For the first week of the school holidays there are general celebrations that school is out and there’s no need to get up...

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