Three Steps to Self-Kindness

Three Steps to Self-Kindness

Every 13th November is World Kindness Day - when acts of kindness are promoted across the globe.  It got me thinking. Is it sometimes easier to be kinder to others than to ourselves? Have you ever noticed how you might be being unkind to yourself?  This might be in...
Five Ways to Relax and Enjoy the Summer

Five Ways to Relax and Enjoy the Summer

“School’s Out for Summer” is a great rallying cry on social media in July. I notice my Facebook feed has a definite trend at this time of year. For the first week of the school holidays there are general celebrations that school is out and there’s no need to get up...
Change How You See Yourself

Change How You See Yourself

In The Universe Has Your Back, Gabby Bernstein asks us to imagine that we’re watching a horror film in a cinema.  We know that the main character is about to walk into a life-threatening situation and we want to scream “don’t do it!”. Our lives can be like that.  Time...

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