3 Ways to Improve Family Relationships

3 Ways to Improve Family Relationships

What do you think of Valentine’s Day?  Do you see it as a chance to celebrate love, or a day hijacked by commercial exploitation? Is it fun and meaningful, or do you feel cynical about it? Perhaps you enjoy it, or perhaps you feel excluded by it. For some people it...
Party Outfits and Body Image

Party Outfits and Body Image

"We can't hate ourselves into a version of ourselves we can love" - Lori Deschene As we approach the festive season, the shops are full of party dresses.  However, Christmas parties - with work colleagues, friends, or families - can be a source of worry for Good...
Three Steps to Self-Kindness

Three Steps to Self-Kindness

Every 13th November is World Kindness Day - when acts of kindness are promoted across the globe.  It got me thinking. Is it sometimes easier to be kinder to others than to ourselves? Have you ever noticed how you might be being unkind to yourself?  This might be in...
Parenting Mistakes: Expectations vs Reality

Parenting Mistakes: Expectations vs Reality

How do you feel about making mistakes? The fear of making mistakes can hold people back in all sorts of ways. It can cause people to never get started on a project. It can cause loneliness because people find it difficult to let others see who they really are. It can...
How to Identify and Soothe our Inner Critic

How to Identify and Soothe our Inner Critic

When I’m working with clients, one of the things we often talk about is what has caused an uncomfortable thought or feeling.  As clients become aware of their internal critical voice they are more able to notice its insidious messages.  Sometimes a feeling of...

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