Three Steps to Self-Kindness

Three Steps to Self-Kindness

Every 13th November is World Kindness Day - when acts of kindness are promoted across the globe.  It got me thinking. Is it sometimes easier to be kinder to others than to ourselves? Have you ever noticed how you might be being unkind to yourself?  This might be in...
The Shoulds and Shouldn’ts of Stress

The Shoulds and Shouldn’ts of Stress

In speaking with mothers, one of the issues that often arises is that of the difficulty of juggling work and home life. Many working Mums find it stressful.  They wonder if they're good enough and often feel guilty that they're unable to dedicate enough time to either...
Finding Hope in Failure

Finding Hope in Failure

Have you ever felt defeated when you have tried to do something different?  I often find it difficult when I'm trying to master a new skill and I don't get it right first time.  There's a part of me that believes that I should be more capable and failure brings out...
Parenting Mistakes: Expectations vs Reality

Parenting Mistakes: Expectations vs Reality

How do you feel about making mistakes? The fear of making mistakes can hold people back in all sorts of ways. It can cause people to never get started on a project. It can cause loneliness because people find it difficult to let others see who they really are. It can...

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