The Shoulds and Shouldn’ts of Stress

The Shoulds and Shouldn’ts of Stress

In speaking with mothers, one of the issues that often arises is that of the difficulty of juggling work and home life. Many working Mums find it stressful.  They wonder if they're good enough and often feel guilty that they're unable to dedicate enough time to either...
Tips to Stop Comparing Your Children with Others

Tips to Stop Comparing Your Children with Others

The summer holidays in the UK is a time when the academic chickens come home to roost in terms of exam results.  Graduations, A-Level and GCSE Results Day are all happening. If children have not performed well, or as well as expected, parents may experience a range of...
How to Feel Positive in Demanding Circumstances

How to Feel Positive in Demanding Circumstances

I’m one of those people who loves inspirational quotes and I bought myself a “page-a-day” tear off calendar this year for my office.  It’s funny how, when you’re aware of a particular train of thought, you notice reminders of it occurring around you.  My live feed...

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