How to Handle Grief at Christmas

How to Handle Grief at Christmas

December can be a very poignant time of year for bereaved people.  It can feel very lonely.  The happiness that everyone else seems to be experiencing underlines the pain of loss. What might have once been a happy time now seems to have lost its lustre.  The glitter,...
Supporting Parents who Experience Baby Loss

Supporting Parents who Experience Baby Loss

Yesterday marked the end of Baby Loss Awareness Week in the UK and I ran a course for counsellors on working with bereaved families.  The main concern for the counsellors is one shared by many of us.  What do I say? Will I put my foot in it? Anyone who mixes with...
8 ways to cope with the empty nest

8 ways to cope with the empty nest

Jennifer Quinn says there are two times when parenting is most difficult.  When the baby first arrives home, and when the adult child first leaves home. Most of us are familiar with the chaos and disruption that a new baby brings to a family.  There are so many...
Father’s Day and Grieving

Father’s Day and Grieving

As a counsellor one of the things I witness is the hurt that people have suffered when they have difficult relationships in their past.  The days celebrating fathers or mothers can be very hard for them.  Even where there has been a close, loving, relationship with a...

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