The Shoulds and Shouldn’ts of Stress

The Shoulds and Shouldn’ts of Stress

In speaking with mothers, one of the issues that often arises is that of the difficulty of juggling work and home life. Many working Mums find it stressful.  They wonder if they're good enough and often feel guilty that they're unable to dedicate enough time to either...
Change How You See Yourself

Change How You See Yourself

In The Universe Has Your Back, Gabby Bernstein asks us to imagine that we’re watching a horror film in a cinema.  We know that the main character is about to walk into a life-threatening situation and we want to scream “don’t do it!”. Our lives can be like that.  Time...
How to Feel Positive in Demanding Circumstances

How to Feel Positive in Demanding Circumstances

I’m one of those people who loves inspirational quotes and I bought myself a “page-a-day” tear off calendar this year for my office.  It’s funny how, when you’re aware of a particular train of thought, you notice reminders of it occurring around you.  My live feed...
Three Steps to Handle Pessimism

Three Steps to Handle Pessimism

I have the British weather to thank for my first memory of disappointment.  When I was at primary school a trip to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Regents Park was organized.  The children looked forward to it for weeks.  However, the trip was not to be.  In that...

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