by Josephine Hughes | Oct 16, 2018
Yesterday marked the end of Baby Loss Awareness Week in the UK and I ran a course for counsellors on working with bereaved families. The main concern for the counsellors is one shared by many of us. What do I say? Will I put my foot in it? Anyone who mixes with...
by Josephine Hughes | Oct 9, 2018
It's World Mental Health Day and the focus this year is youth. We're all familiar with teenage moodiness, but have you ever considered that one of the causes of this may be sleep deprivation? The Problems of Sleep Deprivation in Teenagers Research has found a link in...
by Josephine Hughes | Oct 3, 2018
Jennifer Quinn says there are two times when parenting is most difficult. When the baby first arrives home, and when the adult child first leaves home. Most of us are familiar with the chaos and disruption that a new baby brings to a family. There are so many...
by Josephine Hughes | Sep 25, 2018
When people have low self-esteem it can be difficult to recognize when they’re being treated badly. Simply, if they have not experienced respectful relationships, they do not know when someone is being unkind, controlling or bullying. They do not believe that they...
by Josephine Hughes | Sep 13, 2018
It’s Friendship Month. Friendships have been so important to me as a Mum, and in fact, it was becoming a Mum that helped me to make friends in my local community. Having friends who share the ups and downs of parenting has sustained me for 25 years and I’m looking...